OOOOOW i'm bloody bored
Waiting for my sweet pea to finish school....
well have been painting and sketching out of boredom....been reading a book called faith and lies by a local author....god that book is all crappy load of consist of short stories with freaking adam and eve,pandora box,how Singapura's lion was supposedly a baboon and houdini and how he cheats while dramaticly kissing his wife the key to his locks is passed through her mouth.....It's no that bad but you would tend to skip stories...
Damn how the hell do you make your ass big????ANYBODY HELP!
hahahah ok at least i have a lump down there so i'm alright...HAHAHA well maybe i'm talking shit cause i'm bored...So this is my only way of self-entertainment and this shows on tv are christmas shows...Haiz and well yestersday stayed at home whole day yesterday and tormented at home by boredom.
was reading through soraya's blog about spanking/beating , sexual desires and something like that......HMMM well i don't think parents should beat their children like theirs no tomorrow at a tender age.....Oh please my freakin father whacked the daylights out of me with belt,hanggar,punching cowboy style,umbrella and about anything his eyes lay on...Wait not forgetting almost cracking my sisiters head with a chopper and i had to bloody hold his hand when my mum was to shocked to do anything......I deffinitely grow hating him to the core...Even planning to throw a few stones in his motorcycle exhaust pipe and hope it blows up...But to think about my mum....I just have to hold my breadth and grow through this shit...
Well in some ways it taught me loads,i became who i was and to realise at the end of the day it's my life and his gonna die anyway so that m*fruiter can just F off from my life.....
OK enough of all this negative shit and hatred........
Going swimming on Thursday with my baby king kong..well they say hairy man are romantic.....
If women were the same no one would be shaving right.....
hahaha sick nadiah sick!
Do you talk to yourself?isn't it fun!Aruna darling i miss you....damn i just realise something becky in school hahahaahaha and i'm at home bored.....i want to go back to school and flirt with the younger boys....*Ya RIGHT*
I miss Christmas and all those Hari raya occasion...Well year 2006 Hari raya is my birthday cool ya.....Well and the previous ? years it was on deepavali....Christmas was great got a Bear from my baby and lavender sticks and cones from bec,hangbao from grandma,giordano shirt from stcey and aroma threaphy thingy from aunty Like Macdonald's would say....I'm lovin it.....
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